Learn To Create Videos Efficiently and Save Yourself Hours In The Process

In this workshop, you'll learn my 5-step system to efficient video planning which will simplify and speed up your entire video creation process

In this workshop you'll immediately be able to implement my step-by-step system for creating a simple (but highly-effective) filming plan to help you create your videos within a fraction of the time. You'll master the art of one-take filming, eliminating endless reshoots that end up demotivating you and causing you to abandon your projects that you've already sunk hours into. You'll gain a crystal clear vision for the final output, which will speed up your editing workflow and significantly improve the overall quality of your videos.

Take a peek at the first video in the workshop 👀

Create a Simple Filming Plan That Will Save You Hours In The Long Run

Your filming plan will be your roadmap to keeping you on track when creating your videos. You’ll know exactly what you need to film so that you can keep the process as quick and efficient as possible, ensuring you don’t waste time filming a bunch of footage you won’t even use in the final edit.

Increase Productivity & Stay Motivated

Having to go back and reshoot shots over and over again is a huge energy drain and time sink and is one of the biggest demotivators when creating videos. You’ll learn how to avoid this so that you nail the shot every time. It also means less footage to sift through, which also eats away at your time and harddrive stoarage space.

Speed Up & Streamline The Editing Process

Knowing what you aim to achieve before you start recording is crucial. A clear vision of your final video streamlines your editing, allowing for swift, precise cuts and accurate placement of b-roll—no guesswork needed. It also significantly improves the overall quality of your videos once you've finished that final cut.

replays & future events

free access to this workshop live in the future

If you can't make it to the live session, don't worry, you'll have full lifetime access to the replay as well as free access to any future live sessions at no extra cost! You'll just get sent a free invite in the future. You'll also get free access to any additional or updated lessons that I add that would benefit you!

BONUS: Access to My Must-Have Planning Templates

You'll be able to download my full planning template for Notion, where you can follow my simple step-by-step blueprint to help you build your filming plan. No need to start from scratch, just fill in the blanks. You can use this for every project!

BONUS: Access to My Essential Filming Checklists

Whether you use an action camera, a mirrorless camera or your phone, whether at home or out on location, small oversights like forgetting a memory card, dead batteries, or forgetting to change camera settings can completely ruin a shoot and your mood. It might seem basic but these things are massive time-wasters!

BONUS: Watch Behind The Scenes

As I plan an entire video and film the talking head

Along with presenting the complete planning system, I'll walk you through my entire video planning process in real time. You'll be able to watch exactly how I plan a video from start to finish. Then, I'll give you a behind-the-scenes look at how I film the talking head segment, using the very filming plan I created during the real-time demonstration.


Everything You’ll Receive when you get access to the workshop

  • Instant lifetime access to the workshop

  • Instant access to the replay from the live Q&A where I answered Creators' questions

  • 6 Tips for greater efficiency when creating your videos

  • BONUS: Watch as I plan a video from start to finish in real-time

  • BONUS: Watch behind the scenes as I film the talking head for one of videos

  • BONUS: My 5-step planning template in Notion to use for every video project

  • BONUS: My essential filming checklists to save time during filming and editing

  • A real video example with its complete filming plan for you to follow and see the system in action

Who is this for?

✔️ Those who find video creation slow and need a boost in efficiency and motivation

✔️ Creators looking for a clear and concise approach to content creation that saves time

✔️ Anyone who finds themselves continuously reshooting the same takes over and over

✔️ Creators who want to implement steps that will immediately improve the overall quality of their videos

✔️ Anyone starting out and wanting to get off to a good start with a system that will keep them motivated

Who is this NOT for?

❌ Anyone who is not willing to follow a step-by-step process

❌ People who are not serious about content creation or actively creating videos

❌ Video creators who don't make long-form content on YouTube


Can I watch the workshop instantly after purchasing it?

Yes, as soon as you've bought the workshop you'll get instant lifetime access. Plus you’ll get access to any future live sessions of this workshop, at no extra cost.

Can I get a refund?

Given the nature of the product, there are no refunds. Please read all the information carefully before buying, or drop me an email first if anything is unclear: hello@tamaragabriel.co.uk.

Will this work for me if I create short-form content?

This system is for creators who make long-form videos on YouTube.

Will this work for the type of videos I create for my niche?

If you create travel vlogs, lifestyle vlogs, product reviews, tutorials, explainer videos, educational videos, informational videos the system will work for you.

Is this workshop beginner-friendly?

Absolutely. This will help you start your content creation journey with a simple easy-to-implement process.

Everything you need to simplify and speed up your video creation process

And significantly improve the overall quality of your videos at the same time